Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 1: Update #4 March 14,2012

Surgery for his right arm will be between 3-4 pm tomorrow. Letting him rest right now.


  1. Ashley, Chrissy and I as well as a whole bunch of others are here wondering if there is anyway to help. We would be more than happy to bring you up meals or absolutely anything. Remind Scott how strong I know he is and please don't hesitate to ask for anything.

  2. Love you Ash!! Please feel our love, support and prayers for you and Scott and his family!!

  3. We love you guys. It was amazing to meet Scott's family and see where he gets his amazing strength and will. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.

  4. Thanks so much for keeping us updated! You haven't left our thoughts and prayers since the accident. Scott is a fighter!

  5. Patti & Ashley,
    We JUST found out about Scott's accident and now have stopped crying long enough to send you our love and support. PLEASE, next time you are in the ICU with Scott, I don't care if he's sedated or asleep or whatever, just whisper in his ear that Lamont & Brenda send their love and prayers.
    Then, when he is awake and you are certain that he can understand you, tell him that after all I put him through up in Canada on our adventure hike together, this minor setback should be a piece of cake for him.
    With his positive attitude, cheerful spirit, and unwavering faith, there is no doubt that he will come out of these trials stronger than ever.
    Thank you so much for this blog where we can stay informed.
    LOVE & MISSES, Lamont & Brenda
    P.S. Patti, your medical description of everything has been unbelievable. Usually, when complicated medical issues are discussed by "lay people", I have hundreds of questions I want to ask, but you were amazing, in your understanding and thoroughness. I feel like I've been informed by one of the physicians. GREAT JOB !!!

  6. Ashley, please know that the Trimble family (Tyne, CIndy, Cooper, Kolbi and Sean, and Karli) are praying for you and your sweet little hubby. You are an amazing girl, and we love you. You will be in our thoughts. Sending LOVE your way!

  7. Thank you for the blog! Smart way to keep loved ones informed throughout the process.
    And Patti I sure do love you. I'm grateful for your detailed explanations. Wondering is the worst part for me. Its nice to have a clear idea of where he's at in the recovery! You're doing a great job. Thank you.
    Ash, I love you you too! Love and prayers are sent your way... non-stop!
    Tyce saw me crying and asked "What happened Mommy?" He has been saying prayers for Scott too ever since I told him Uncle Scott is hurt.
    Our family loves you!!! Keep being strong. Be 'Scott-strong'. :) You know he's one tough dude!
    Sooooo many hugs and kisses!! And please please tell Scott I love him.
    Love you!
