Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 43: My Cup Runneth Over - April 25, 2012

I love to interview Scott on what happened during his day... sometimes we talk about what I will ask him beforehand and sometimes we don't. I like to see what he can remember and where his thoughts take him. 

If you aren't able to watch the video... here is one part of what Scott was talking about. 
Today during PT Scott was given a full cup of water and asked if he would walk with it from one area of the hospital to the other. He had to manage many different things while walking. 
Such as, balance, speed, arm movement, eye movement, concentration, all while talking and walking with us. He did a very good job and only let the water spill a few times. As I was pondering what to title this post tonight it felt appropriate to name it "My Cup Runneth Over" I truly feel that the progress we have seen from Scott is such a miracle. Truly our cup runneth over with support, love, and blessings!

Also I remembered to take a photo of his right side of his face today. Here is how it's looking. 

 Also his facial muscles are really starting to come back to his left side of his face!!  
He spent the day getting accustom to his glasses. 

Loving that Scott smile!!

- Love to you all,



  1. Wow he really is looking good! I love the last picture of him... So Scott. :) Love you guys!

  2. Hey Ashley and Scott! I have been reading the blog since the beginning but this is my first time commenting! My husband is just about to finish his 2nd year in Pharmacy school at Midwestern and I can't imagine how hard this challenge must be but you guys are such amazing examples of staying postive and trusting the Lord. Every time I come on this blog I cannot believe how much Scott has improved! You are simply amazing! My husband and I continue to pray for your success and for your family. Thanks for being such great examples.

  3. Scott is sounding more "Scott" each and every day! Love it! And yea for going home!!!
